Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ever stand in the rain???

I went outside in my backyard for a few moments today, and just let the raindrops fall on me. It was beautiful and relaxing. I love the sounds of thunder, and sights of lightning. Unfortunately, I had my clothes on, but trust me, I did not want to; it felt great on my skin. Anyone else fantasize about this?

Ever stand in the rain???
Oh, in the rain..get soaked..clothes stuck to the skin..walk hand in hand with the drip drip drip sound following you...mmmm....

I am's nearly 98 rain, nor that wet weather above all!
Reply:I have kissed in the rain.

That was nice.
Reply:Sometimes I even shake my fist at it.
Reply:Yes, I love to go out in the rain.
Reply:My ex and I went for a walk in the rain, it was one of the most romantic things we ever did.

Another time I walked a couple blocks to the store in a torrential downpour in the middle of the night, there was no one around and I jumped in the puddles, got soaking wet, and had a great time.

I know...I'm not normal, but I like it. :)
Reply:Yes, I do go out in the rain and love it. Love the sound of thunder. And yes, sometimes I think about that, but there's no place I can do it...
Reply:yes i have stand in the rain before. it was awsome feeling the rain tingle on my skin as it landed.
Reply:I love rain!

I always wanted to skinny dip in the rain. just for the heck of it.
Reply:Yes, my sister and I danced and stood in the rain because it was raining really hard and the wind was blowing, and the thunder was roaring, and the lightening was striking the sky with it's flashing blue streaks! It was an amazing moment in time to dance and stand and feel the rain covering my body and soaking my hair and clothes! Oh, how I long for moments like these. :)
Reply:Well, I hadn't fantasized about it until just now....

Not raining in DC yet though.

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